Learn My Vision & Goal Setting Success Secrets
it's time to....
Future are
worth the investment
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Hello Friend

Over the past 18 months, I have been busy preparing something very special for individuals just like you.
That's right!

...but before I share my exciting news, allow me to ask you a few questions.
  • Can you look forward into your life future with with clarity and specific direction?
  • ​ Do you have a solid, clear and specific plan? 
  • ​Do you know exactly what you want to have accomplished by the end of 2019? 
If your answer is no to any of these questions...then what I have prepared for you is PERFECT!
Do you want to hear more? 

Do you want to know how I turned my life around and obtained clarity and success?
 Of course you do!

Eighteen months ago I found myself in a position where I look at my life and career.    I had to assess the direction I was going and what I should do with the rest of my life.   Sounds daunting, I know. 

At almost 60 years of age I was out of a job and found myself in a place where I needed to get some clarity and direction in my life. 

Want to know what I did?

Sounds funny, I know.... but it is exactly what I did.

I took some serious time to go through a very strategic process and assessed all aspects of my life and career and through this process, I obtained tremendous clarity.  I was able to hone-in and get excited again with what the future holds.

You see I have been coaching people for over 25 years... and I have been a certified coach for 10 years.  I have taught, trained and mentored others through lifestyle changing processes, but somehow I missed applying the principles I know to do to my own life.  

BUT when I did .... I truly discovered that 'this stuff works'!!!!

You see, when I took the time to revisit exactly what my heart passions and desires are and filtered through my exact skills and talents I got really excited about the possibilities for my future.  


I know this information and the processes.. I really do... but somehow I got lost in the fog of my day to day life and I forgot to dream.
If this is you . . . 
isn't it time for a change?
All too often we allow situations and circumstance to dictate the path and direction of our life and we allow life to happen to us, instead of working for us. 

We continue to do the same thing, the same way and we go no where fast...  You know what I am talking about right?

We simply put our real true dreams, desires and passions on hold...on a "someday" list while striving to earn that almighty dollar.

The reality is that when we do this.... we are setting ourselves up for failure and we will never,  kick over that bucket list and start doing what we are created to do and succeed in the area of our passion.

... and DREAM AGAIN            

want to show you how I used this very simple process to turn my meandering life around and obtain solid successful direction and precision in my life. 
But, before I reveal it, I have a bit of a confession to make...
If you’re expecting an approach with multi-level marketing schemes that have up-sells, down-sells, cross-sells and “order bumps”… 
               ....this isn’t it. 

If you’re after a method that has you setting, get rich quick business process. . . 

                                                .......you won’t find that here either. 
And, if you’re super tired of all the in-your face sales… that is great!
Because..... I’m sorry - but unfortunately what I want to share with you…just isn’t that. 

What you’re about to discover will not disappoint you because....

No Overwhelming methods… 
This is not a strategy where you simply make a decision…
...I know your answer is YES... whose wouldn't be?
I warn you however.....

What you’re about to discover goes against what the other Vision Board Creation Gurus are publishing and selling.!

In fact, this approach probably is completely different from anyone else in the marketplace. 

Because it's actually gloriously simple…

It’s super basic... 


Because of that…  
You may just pass it over for something a little more “exciting” like the latest get rich quick schemes…
 And if you do - good luck to you ;-)

I am speaking to the Christian Women who want to get out of their everyday, day-in and day-out grind and really want to see their heart desires and dreams happen…..  

Are you the woman who wants simple…  

Are you the empowered female who wants straight forward, punch total direction?
And do you want something that works to get you from where you are today to achieving successful
in every area of your life?
That’s what it is truly all about….               

So if that’s you, then keep reading because… 

Here’s How I Discovered a way to live a 
completely successful and balanced life
WITHOUT stress, fatigue, and a whole lot of hype
Now, don't get me wrong...

I've been where you are… filling my day with endless tasks of ‘have too’s and very little ‘want-to’s’.

In fact, that was the way I discovered this approach to begin with!

Here’s what I mean... 

When I got to a place in my life where I was out of a job, and was run off my feet and fear and worry tried to creep in because of finances...

I knew I had to make a change because for me, making the right change meant “freedom!" 

Living my Vision and Goal focused lifestyle meant… 

  • Freedom to enjoy my life.
  • Freedom to live and make my passion my work.
  • Freedom to have the marriage and family of my dreams.
  • Freedom to travel.
  • Freedom from bills . . .
  • Freedom from stress about money . . .
  • Freedom to go anywhere I wanted at the drop of a hat.
  • Freedom to spend time with friends & family any time.
  • Freedom to live life completely unrestricted, full of joy and peace. 
                     ….. and doing it all God’s way!
This is why I developed what I have…to offer to you.  

For me to get to my place Freedom I needed a solid method and process to get from where I was to where I wanted to be.

And please know wonderful Woman of God . . .
There is absolutely no better time and place to implement these methods into your life than TODAY.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life!
What are you going to do with it?
Well… that’s not a decision I can make for you, 

BUT… …. I can present you with a choice, an option, right?

If you're not at that level of wanting to make some changes in your life… hey that is ok! 

BUT…I did discover, that if I kept doing the same thing, the same way, I stayed in the same place. 

Year after year after year not much changed….

That was until I made a decision to make a change. I personally stepped over, took my own advice and implemented my 3-D’s….
You know this right? You have heard it before…

However, I discovered that there is a reason that simply ‘knowing’ these non-complex methods are almost holding you back from getting to your Freedom... 


It’s simple… ‘knowing’ something and DOING something are two completely separate things. 

For years I knew vision boards worked… and I was well aware of goal setting principles… but knowing and doing…. Are different. 

I had done both in previous years…. And when I did, when I had my vision board in front of my eyes and had SMART goals done… 

I was REMINDED how I needed to take the next steps in my life to get where I wanted to be… 
And I was totally pumped and energized  ...  once I figured out again what I needed to do and actually took the next step.

After months of planning, dreaming and creating I knew I had a simple formula and method to get from where I was to where I wanted to go.

When I actually DID what I knew to DO, I got the results from my DOING. 

By focusing on what was in my heart, and the principles I knew to do (and had in the past even taught others to do) … and decided to dig deep and DO and APPLY these principles again in my life… 


I set my sights on my future, and put myself through my own program…..and my results have been astonishing… 

I set my sights on my future, and put myself through my own program…..and my results have been astonishing…

Fast Forward Just a Few Months Later... 

  • My life was transformed…
  • ​I was able to have complete clarity for my future…. 
  • ​I rediscovered my passions 
  • ​I was refreshed with precision on my skills, strengths and my talent 
  • ​My heart was completely stirred and the excitement to get up for work each day. 
  • ​I could see financial freedom was a part of my life. 
  • …..and I am completely living my life to the fullest possible potential. 
And I went from not having a clue what I was going to do for the rest of my life, to now bringing in a consistent flow of income doing something I love to do.

     Without a struggle… 
     Without creating a whole lot of work… 
     Without building a complex, multi-stage process... 

And without any overwhelming learning curve whatsoever! 

So, how did I do it? 

Well, here’s the answer... 

(But first, a quick warning... It's not as complicated as you might think ;-) 

I simply started doing what I had taught others to do before! 


I jumped in and began doing my own programs for myself again and...

Well actually, that's it! 

I told you it was simple, right?! 

When I gave up all the convoluted mess in my head, and stopped trying to figure out tricks, and gimmicks to sort out my future... 

And simply got out pen and paper and went through a personal self discovery process, I figured out what I actually wanted (my passion) and how I could do it (my skills, talents and abilities)... 

Well here's what happened:
Firstly, I Got IMMEDIATE Clarity on what I wanted 
What I wanted my future to look like…..

Instead Of letting life happen to me!

By finding and defining my vision, I didn’t need to feel lost or defeated, or hopeless anymore…

I could forward focus.  Immediately.  

And the reason why was… 

Because when I was all donel, I had a clearer idea who I was and who I can be today... 

All in less than 6 months, I TURNED MY LIFE AROUND!
Imagine taking yourself from 
“a sense of defeat” to 
“sold-out radical knowing” 
that your future is bright and 
YOU CAN have total success?
Well you can . . . right way !

By going through the very same personal discovery process I have, you can personally obtain the same level of success.   
                               God is no respecter of people (Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11-16
Secondly, I Realized I Could RESURRECT 
My Dreams that I Thought Were Lost Forever...
I shared with you that this is ALL ABOUT YOU… and it is. It is about you allowing yourself to DREAM AGAIN…

Christmas time, like most, is one of my favourite times of the year. One of the reasons is that there are tons of great Christmas movies to watch. (I record and watch these until March… LOL) anyway, in one of these movies the main character shared this… 

“When you are little you have dreams…

When you are old you have responsibilities.” 

While this may be true…because we allow life to ‘happen to us’, it does not need to be the reason that we live the way we do.  We can allow our dreams to be the drive that fulfills our responsibilities. 

You can flip your life upside down and redirect your future for success doing what it is you love to do! 

What is that???? 

Hmmm that is not a question I can answer for you because your life is yours and your dreams, passions and desires are yours…  


Whether that’s getting married, changing jobs, buying a home, taking a trip, paying your bills or earning $10,000 and above per month…. 
It's time to be good to yourself and begin to dream again about the possibilities of a future success.
So yes, you can skip the rest of this email and move on or…

Eliminate the hamster wheel of continuing to do the same things over and over in your life...

And simply engage yourself in a transformational life changing package! 

After all, it’s you who REALLY needs this, right?
And Thirdly, I Got to My FREEDOM
 by doing things differently...
Yep - within a matter of a few weeks!

Think about it… 

If you take the time to discover your dreams, focus on your personal passions and utilize your skills, talents and abilities …. What would your life look like? 

Great job, promotion, raise, a happy marriage, peace and joy every day…. 

Your life would not feel like work, right? 

Yes, when you go right to work on your success lifestyle goals, you get to your Freedom much faster… 

You only need to know exactly what that looks like.  

This is the power of personal self discovery;  the process did it for me.

And, I know, what it did for me, it can do for you too. 

All you have to do is give up the months you would have spent living your life the same way you have been doing it, give up the day-in-day-out doldrums of life, and the striving to simply make a buck... 
...And Focus on The One Thing That Actually Turns Your Life Around Fast!
And that is to focus on YOU!

Now, I must admit…

When I share this truth with women, I get a lot of concerns such as… 

“But Sandra, I feel totally overwhelmed having to do this work on myself!” 

“But Sandra, I'm too busy to stop and take a course!” 
“But Sandra, I don’t know how to overcome the routine of my life!” 
“But Sandra, I don’t even know myself well enough, to go through a personal life discovery process.!” 

To which I always reply… 
I felt exactly the same way!

And it's why I avoided planning my life goals for so long too, so if that's how you feel... I totally understand. 

But I also have a secret to share… 

I didn’t just “instantly” overcome these challenges by meditating on them... Or by “hoping” that one day, after doing great things with my life and that I’d eventually become competent and confident… 

Nope, through making a DECISION, and actually realizing that I was worth it.. that I was valuable and important enough to spend the time on ME…. 

I simply jumped in and DID what I knew to DO and now I am getting the results and living my DREAMS 

                    AND you can too… 
I have developed a treasure trove of game-changing and truly amazing...
Super Simple, Life Transforming Steps to Get You from Where You Are Today to Where You Want to Be.
Even though I was totally overwhelmed and felt held back in life… 

I did it… and you can too! ;-) These tools have been my secret weapon that I've honed and refined.

I've generated a joyful, peaceful and successful lifestyle for myself, and helped many women just like you experience the same life transformation.

With absolutely no thanks to myself… truly I give the greatest glory to God for it all.

With these simple, but life transformational tools I can help you live the life of your dreams…

Which is why I want to share them with you... 

I call them:
And the first tool is...
1. The Starting Place
One of the best things I  learned when I started my transformational process was the importance of making that first decision to just START.
Taking CHARGE OF YOUR OWN LIFE is how you will get from where you are to where you want to be.

…thinking about it
                     - - - - DOES NOT get you there
…waiting a month, a year or more
                     - - - - DOES NOT get you there
…waiting for more money
                    - - - - DOES NOT get you there

A purposeful, deliberate, committed decision is what your transformed lifestyle depends on.

Once the decision is made… the next steps present themselves. When the waffling stops, so does the doubt and the hindrances because you make a way for the decision.

Those successful women who have made the decision to take the next steps are now living their dreams and accomplishing things they never thought possible.

The next tool I use is...

2. Uncover the Hidden Dreams
The Lord gifted me, through my mentors, this incredible framework a while ago now...  And since I started using this knowledge, my confidence to focus on my future has escalated!

It allowed me to take what was buried and uncover it and discover who I was and what I really wanted out of life….. I had no idea the depth of who I was… 

You can discover this too!

Since then I’ve honed and refined this framework into an actual vision and uncovered how to use it to accomplish great things day in and day out, my life has been transformed.

In the Design Your Own Life Course, I take you from having a few simple wishes, to clarifying your dreams...

To asking knowing the right questions to ask yours and building solid vision for your future...

To mapping out a blueprint action plan for the next 5 years of your life and overcoming your self sabotaging objections...

To living your life to the fullest with confidence. 

This plan is almost word-for-word, action step-by-action step what I did, and it can help anyone intimidated by lifestyle, goal setting transformation to confidently run their lives and naturally flow into a passionate lifestyle of success.  

With ease.

With clarity.

With authentic hope for the future that works.
 I desire for you to realize the same success and happiness I am living. 

This totally changed the way I saw my life, from something that was “going no where fast” to a life that was “valuable and successful.”

The final tool is something I had to develop myself. 

I needed a way to turn my thinking around  I liked the idea of how so many successful people thought, so positive, so enthusiastic…

But I didn’t like all how negative, defeating thoughts would come very time I went to move forward with my Vision Plan. 

I had to find a way to get from where I was to where I wanted to be. I had to take steps to rewrite the programming in my head and setup a successful life plan. 

So instead, I determined I was going to change my thinking… 

The third tool is:

3. Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Future!
The real key to success is to overcome negative thoughts by replacing them with positive thoughts.
Here’s how it works…

First, you discover what it is you are really thinking…

Nothing fancy. No amazing over the top or deep dive process… just plain simple self awareness. And easy clarification...

Maybe you feel unloved, fat, ugly, not smart, not worthy, bored, insecure… they just need to be identified.

Next, you write down the top thoughts about yourself that consume you… you know the ones… the ones that tell you that you can’t, when in fact YOU CAN….

Then what we do is we give our minds the right “blueprint to follow”. We “paint-by-numbers steps of exactly what we should be thinking.


Whether it’s losing weight, getting a date, changing jobs/career or getting a promotion, raising your kids, getting a new car or getting out of debt of something as simple as completing a tax return or training your dog... 

Whatever the problem you're facing you'll be able to fix it.
This step is the true salvation of your future . . . 
but you need to want to get from where you are, to where
you want to be… your success in life is in your hands....

Yup… that’s right… you heard me.

When I changed what I was saying, it changed what I was thinking, and my actions also began to change. 

To change our future is - - - you guessed it! - - -  
Change What You Say, Reshape Your Future!
Cool, isn't it?

I told you it was simple….


You have a big button right underneath your nose that can control your future… that’s right. 

 When we successfully get a hold of this principle and actually put it into practice… well, that is when we get the real change happening.

As a lifestyle coach and a CONFESSION COACH, I know what I am talking about… this principle alone has transformed my life…

And… that’s it!

That’s literally all I’ve used to get my life turned around… 

And what you can use too.
In case you haven't realized by now... 

There's nothing special about me or my ability... But there is something special about these tools in transforming your life...

Over and over again.
These Tools Enabled Me To:
  • ​Gain personal confidence knowing my future was bright and because I was living my dreams again… 
  • ​I became competent and comfortable moving forward with the simplest of "life progressing" plans and goals… 
  • ​And I have been able to accomplish much, because I have a real plan and the tools to accomplish the plan! 
These Tools  Allow Me To:
  • Have the career I truly wanted…
  • ​Have the relationship I truly want… 
  • ​Have a transformed life, built up my self worth and esteem, given me confidence, and restored hope for a successful future. 
And all I had to do was apply the tools.
I still use this method to keep my life "future focused" even though I run a successful business now!
And this is exactly why I write to you today!

I know there is a lot of frustration from women like you, who know they have great gifts on the inside...  

But are struggling to get out of their daily routine and navigate the confusing advice they're receiving from so many varied sources. 

So I’ve come here to offer you a simple solution to transform your life… 

I call it: 
This Masterclass takes a deep dive into the secret life transformational tips and tools I've just told you about...
And it's open to you for a super limited time now.

The Design Your Own Life Masterclass can jump-start your future to a place of peace, joy, balance, hope and yes… prosperity….  
WITHOUT setting up fancy ‘get rich quick schemes… without multi level marketing (unless you want it), nothing complex or overwhelming, and no hidden strategies... 

That's a promise ;-)  

Now before I go through the modules of the program so you can see how it will work for you… 
I must make one more confession…
This is not some HUGE program that’s going to take you weeks to get through. 

In fact, you can probably finish the whole program and have everything running in less than a month (if you’ve got a few hours to spare each week, you could get through ALL the content and have it up and have your future vision board and goals all done in a month.). 

The point is… 
I mentioned right at the start ... this approach is SUPER  SIMPLE!
It's super basic.

And it doesn’t take much time to do because the process is a step by step personal development workshop that you can do in your own home…even in your jammies. 

And therefore, it doesn’t take long to get results either! 

So if you're expecting some program with 50+ videos, 35 documents, 29 checklists, and hundreds of hours of content... 

                      This isn't your program ;-) 

However, please don't misinterpret that what you're getting isn't powerful or profitable.  
It certainly is.
I've simply decided not to fill this program with heaps of "fluff" you're used to getting with courses that overwhelm and sit on your "shelf" not getting used. 

This program is exactly what's needed to get you to your Freedom, Level 10 Lifestyle (AKA: a life of peace, joy and prosperity) fast. 

Nothing more. Nothing less. 

If you’re OK with that, then… 

Here's What You're Going to Get...
...Live Your Dreams
Is an online, step-by-step training program with 9 incredible modules.
Each module has powerful transformation teaching....

Each module is actionable... 

And each module takes you a step closer to your authentic self.

The course is designed to have you up and running with a Vision Board and Actionable Goals in a matter of days... 

Yep - you heard me right ;-) 

I leave nothing out to help you accomplish all you can handle and uncover those hidden desires in your heart! 

You get ALL the tools, the Success Sheet templates I myself and clients, have used to transform their lives... 

I walk you through everything in an online training portal... So you know how to copy/paste/tweak each step of your personal self-discovery process. 

Allow me to say...  

With  everything that is provided for you, you can get up and running now... 
      ...the process, the steps you need to take has been done for you! 

Having shared all that… 

Let’s have a closer look now at what you're going to get inside the Design Your Own Life, Live Your Dreams Masterclass… 
Module 1 – Understanding the Effects of Your Past
BONUS #1: Right Off… you receive my full colour The Design Your Own Life Success Book. This transformation workbook is filled with tremendous, life application teaching on the reason behind the application process. It is complete with all the worksheets you will need to effectively apply the process.

The Design Your Own Life Masterclass is a “Supercharger” process of self discovery. It actually has nothing to do with the anyone else but you…YOU are the centre of this transformation process… it simple requires a little additional time from you to make this leap to success. 

Discover who you are… and what has been holding you back from success. In module one you will find out what has hindered your REAL personal life success. You will recognize why you think the way you do and discover how you can turn the corner and head in the direction you really WANT to go.

The little known but highly successful, Design Your Own Life Masterclass will give you personal, profitable, qualified results and give you a brand-new outlook on your life and how to be successful. After living a life, raising a family, through several career changes and coaching and mentoring hundreds of individuals… I discovered a way to transform lives that works incredibly well.  Women who are highly qualified, women who really want to turn their life around and live out of their passions and not their position.  

My Design Your Own Life, Live Your Dreams Success Workbook that comes with this Offer is No-brainer Step by Step transformational process... Work through these Success Sheets and you'll have yourself a completely irresistible life that packs your calendar full of the high-quality things you love and enjoy doing.

How to know what is the right direction versus the wrong direction for your future... There Are Three Types of People: Those Who Make Things Happen, Those Who Watch Things Happen, and Those Who Wonder What Happened….in all you can choose the wrong one, it can lead to more of what you already have… I know which you will choose – you will choose the road to success, right?

Why you should never let others dictate to you what your life should look like"... This is one of my biggest keys to success in helping women transform their lives.

The more you apply yourself and the harder you work, the more successful you will be right? WRONG... Too many people have this sullen, busy bee mentality… and it simply does not work that way… Inside you’ll discover why often less is more!

How spending only 5 minutes preparing for each day allows me to have success that is forward moving and transformational... Hint: It's got to do with "being purposeful, deliberate and proactive" your choice!

Why giving away your time for money only overwhelms you and does not bring the success you are looking for... you will come to know what to do to prove you’re valuable and important, without giving away all your effort at the expense of your passions.

Modules 2 – Take Charge of Your Own Life
My simple but transformation process that gets qualified results in understanding why it is so important to Create A Life Plan… The secret behind my success to recognizing that without a plan…we fail. So simple yet so profound!

How to take charge of your Life. Who is in control anyway… if it is not you, then it is time to make that change and be in-charge!

Why Outside the Box thinking will turn day-in-day-out routines into exciting want-to do instead… Many women don’t allow themselves to have the simple pleasures in life and instead sacrifice all their time, energy and effort for others… and can’t understand why resentment builds. I tell you why, and what to do instead so your life becomes a joy.
Module 3– Dreaming BIG
How to DREAM AGAIN… Statistics show that when we take the time to dream and plan for our future, we begin to restore hope.

Restore Mental Health.  Dreaming about our future is vital to our health and personal success.

BONUS: Get my 9-page Wheel of Life assessment Sheet! This allows you to get an up-close look at what areas of your life really need help in minutes... simply take the challenge and you will know right away!

The DREAM BIG MIND MAPPING PROCESS… simple tool you’ll need to create an unrestricted vision for your future... without spending hours to do it.

Future Focusing - Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12 (NLT). After getting my clients to do this they were able to look to the future with greater energy and focus…because hope was restored! When we raise the level of hope in our lives… our energy blossoms.

My proven application dreaming process will help to ensure you are headed in the right direction… Just this will save you tons of time and begin to get you to where you need to go.  
Module 4 - Live your Passion & Purpose
How to ask yourself the right questions at the right time and overcome even the biggest life objections and hindrances is discovering your personal passions.

It is your job is to uncover and discover your PASSIONS, not to create them. Through the Self-Discovery Personal Passion Success sheets, you will come to know what the desires of your heart truly are.

An Awakening… we are human BEings not human DOings! Through this realization and discovery process, my students have taken a step to new levels. Word for word, and step by step you too will come to know the value of learning to be who you were created to be.

Learn to Be… Alive, Authentic, Timeless, Engaged and Successful… as you do you will learn the 5 simple steps to build beautiful trusting relationships in just a few minutes of first speaking... Misunderstanding this… and you'll almost always lose confidence in the building of future focused successful relationships.

The “instant ice-breaking” secret for getting off the hamster wheel of life and learn to like & trust who you really are. ... An almost forgotten technique I learned from some old-school successful pros …secrets I will share with you.

How to prove to your passion without a shadow of a doubt once you do success will be yours in life using this “one big tip”.

BONUS: A Success Secret Page with TONS of training. I will present to you the greatest yet most foundational of all training. And the best bit…it’s free! This training alone will be worth tens of thousands to you in personal coaching and training and I cannot wait for you to get your hands on it.
Module 5 – Uncovering Hindrances to Your Success
Turn Negative Frustrations into Personal Success. This is truly the transformation foundation to great success, when we really dig deep and uncover the hard-hitting roadblocks in your life.
Module 6 & 7 – Discovering your Talents & Skills and Learning to Live at Level 10
YOU ARE UNIQUE….God created you as an original, so let’s not live and die as a copy of what someone else wants you to be… Be the authentic you! In this module, the entire self discovery process brings you to a place of wholeness as to who you really are and that you are OK!

This is IT…. This is where it is at… this truly is where the fun begins in your transformational discovery process! Why…. Because in this module you get to uncover who you really are and what make's you – YOU!

We will look at the difference between a Skill and a Talent. Once you realize you have both…and you combine them with your passion… WATCH OUT WORLD…

Living at a Level 10 is the top of the pile…AND THAT IS WHERE GOD CREATED YOU TO LIVE…. So let’s not deprive God of the pleasure seeing you live there and let’s not deprive ourselves from getting there, staying there and enjoy Being there!

Module 8 & 9 – Vision & Goals
NOW THE FUN STARTS… you have got the vision, you have got the talent, skill and ability – now it is time to capture it all and CREATE A VISION BOARD.

THAT'S RIGHT…. It’s time to do the cutting and gluing and putting pictures to the vision promise.

What kind of Vision Board works for you? Each one of you is unique and therefore each of you will desire a different kind of vision board… and that is perfect, because I will teach you and show you all the different kinds of vision boards that can be yours… you simply choose.

CREATE THE BOARD…I will walk you through step by step how to actually make your vision board.
ACTION is the key to success. Those who see the process through to the end and actually purposefully set their goals and work the plan are the ones who achieve greatness.

    ------- Just having a vision will not make it happen

    ------- Just having a dream will not create change

It is...
                                   that creates a future of success.

All of this I have wrapped up in the DESIGN YOUR OWN LIFE MASTERCLASS…
                                         and I did it just for you….

And much much more including...

The one question that you may ask is.... 
       How can I do this???????

       How do I authentically transform my life with your program… 

       When life is so busy… how can I spend the time do all this…


Can I really find 
             - my dream job, 
             - start my own business, 
             - find my husband, 
             - enjoy my kids, 
             - get out of debt, 
             - buy a house?????…


The “A to B” technique that is in this Masterclass allows you to learn without overwhelming you… 

And, how it will teach you to value yourself and realize that YOU ARE WORTH INVESTING TIME IN YOURSELF… 

YOU WILL LEARN to turn fear in your future TO A FUTURE OF EXCITEMENT
..........FROM A LIFE THAT you loath into something you love!

And that’s just a small taste of what you’re going to discover inside :-)
If you’re interested in jumping in… 
Here's What To Do Next...
So, the big question is…
What’s your investment to join me inside the
Design Your Own Life, live Your Dreams Masterclass
and learn my step-by-step, 
life transformational formula?
Well, it actually hasn’t been available to the general public for the last 12 months… 

Only, YOU.... those inside my personal inner circle have been able to access it.

Others have sold similar, programs for as much as $2500… and most of those are not based on God’s Word and God’s promises… 

And on my website this Masterclass is listed and sold for $1497.00, which by comparison is already a far better deal....

However, at this investment, the Design Your Own Life Masterclass might be out of reach for a some women… 

So because of that, I’m going to do something special as I truly want to see you succeed in the way God wants you to succeed.

Here’s the deal:

You see, I know if you’ve read up until this point, you’re probably pretty certain this program is going to be a game-changer for you… Just like it was for me and my students. 

So because of that - for an extremely limited time - I’m going to gift it to you at a huge 80% discount!
Yup. 80% off !
So with that discount, this is now one installment of $299.40 CAD 

                                                                               WOW right?
But I must warn you… 

This gift won’t be around forever.  

Because I’m offering personal feedback (see the special free bonuses below), 

I must limit the amount of women who come in to just 200.

So if you’d like the most simple, straightforward way to get to your Freedom that I’ve ever come across…

Then, click the link below and get going instantly!
This Payment Plan Makes it Even Easier...
If you’re not quite able to pay the upfront, massively discounted price, I don’t want you to miss out either...

So, I’ve also included a convenient payment plan to make life easier!
Instead of paying upfront, you might like to choose to make 2 x monthly payments of $187 CAD instead.

It’s a little more expensive,…..but could be better fit for your cash flow. 

To grab the payment plan, head on over to this link:

Did I Mention, 
It's Only Available For The Next Few Days?
The Design Your own Life Masterclass  will be made available to the public for $1,497 CAD…

Which, for a course that helps you get your life dreams clarified in a few weeks - is really a great deal!

But like I said… 

I’m offering you lifetime access to the program for just $299.40 CAD ...that’s 80% off.  

Yep, I know it's a bit nuts ;-) 

But I am doing this because I LOVE and care for you and desire to see you successful, just as God intends for you to be… 

And I want more women to wake up every morning to a life that they really enjoy living doing what they love. 

But I REALLY can’t keep this offer open for long. 

It’s gone when the 200 spots are filled, and well… 

With a database of over 300,000 women, and a daily increasing following.... I will sell out this program. 

So if you want in, I suggest you hop in now to secure your spot! 

My Design Your Own Life 30-Day Refund Guarantee

Here’s the deal...

I want this to be the easiest decision you’ve ever made to invest in a program.
Which is why I want there to be absolutely no risk to you. 
You see, I’m super confident Design Your Own Life Masterclass will get excited about your life and re-focused on a future of joy, peace and success after you implement the steps inside… 

However, if for whatever strange reason, after you have worked through all the modules and worked through the processes and apply the life changing principles.... and that doesn’t happen… 

Just give me an email within 30 days and I’ll buy your program right back off you :-) 

That’s how confident I am that what you’re coming into is exactly what you’re looking for.  

This gives you peace of mind that this is both a safe and smart decision.  

Sound good? 

If so, click the link below, fill out your details on the following page and you can get going instantly! 
Call me crazy but I thought, what else could I “gift” you to make this a complete no brainer for you soooo…
You're Also Getting These Bonuses...FREE
I love FREE stuff too.... so just know this is

Not just a teaser, but entire extra teachings that will help you take the next steps forward in your LIFE or business... 

                   Without paying an extra cent ;-) 

When I was trying to get my life and future plans together, I WISH I’d had someone hand me what I’m about to give you… 

I wonder how many less tears there would have been! 

Well, they’re yours instantly for free when you jump in today. 

Bonus #1: Design Your Own Life  25-Page Success Book                                 (Value $79) 
Right Off… you receive my full colour The Design Your Own Life Success Book. 

This transformation workbook is filled with tremendous, life application teaching on the reason behind the application process. 

I spent months developing this very thorough and detailed Success book with you in mind.  It is complete with all the worksheets (which I call Success Sheets) you will need to effectively apply the process.

This book is so incredible, that even without the On-line Course you can work through all the personal growth steps to achieve the clarity and focus you need and want for your future. 

As soon as you sign up... it's yours to keep.
Bonus #2: Five Techniques to Stop Feeling Like A Failure.(Value $37)
This allows you to get an up-close look at what areas of your life really need help in minutes... simply take the challenge and you will know right away!
Bonus #3: Access to My Real Success Secrets  (Valued At $997)
One of the things I’m most proud of about Design Your Own Life Masterclass is that you can use it to build every area of your life and continue using them for ongoing personal growth and development.

So, included in with the Design Your Own Life Masterclass, I will give you direct access to my Success Secrets

However, I really wanted to over-deliver with this bonus and show you even MORE ways so you can really ramp up your lifestyle transformation success for free :-) 

Devote time to the Success Secret strategies inside this bonus and you’ll be flooding your mind with personal development and powerful growth ideas every week! 

                   They’re simple... 

                               They’re straightforward... 

                                               They don’t take much time... 

             And the best part is... They’re even a little fun :-) 
Next you're going to get...
Bonus #4: Desiderata Downloads     (Valued At over $97)
What is a Desiderata?

Desiderata is the plural desideratum means “things wanted or needed”. 

In the early days of my life, I needed tools to develop my focus. So, I created these downloadable documents which are filled with information that are essential to help assist you in your growth in your walk with the Lord.   

We already know that the Word is an indispensable condition, element, or factor, in our lives and it is something essential to our personal growth and development as Christians in renewing our minds…. Right???? 

I created many of my own Desiderata to keep me focused and many others were given to me….so you don’t have to do this yourself…. 

I used to keep these closely guarded, but now it’s time to share them with you! 

They include:  

           • I will not Quite
           • My Child
           • Love Confession
           • Presence of God
           •  The Gift of Godly Plans
           •  Portrait of a Prosperous Woman...
           • Seven things to Affirm Daily!

And more included every month… 

This allows you to eliminate you having to find your own mind-renewal, mind transformational declarations!! 

             I want to gift them to you… 

                           Isn’t that awesome? 

These are my favourite and most helpful declarations. They have so much mind healing power when applied, and even better… 

             They’re free to you :-) 

I’m sharing with them with you for a limited time because I know they’ll benefit you.  

So for the next few days when you join me inside Design Your Own Life Masterclass, I’m going to include these for you… 

Yep, I will give you all links and details and let you know just where to find these Desiderata’s.  

But again, this bonus is extremely limited… 

So join me inside Design Your Own Life Masterclass now so you don't miss out. 
But wait, we’re not done yet!
                        You’re also getting….   
Bonus #5: An additional One-Hour Coaching Mentoring                               Consult with Me (Sandra)         (Valued at $150)
Do You want High Valued, High Powered, Intensive time with a Holy Spirit Led Success, and Transformational Life Coach to give you some wisdom and personal direction?  

 One that you can simply “ask what you want” for an entire hour? 

Well, with the Design Your Own Life Masterclass, that’s exactly what you’re getting! ... a 1-hour personal session valued at $150...

Why is this so valuable?

After working with hundreds of individuals over the past 25 years, I get that it is challenging to work through process alone. Having that special confident to work with, makes all the difference in the world.

I’ve discovered that through human contact, discussion and interaction, we can generate tremendous life-changing progress.

With over 25 years of mentoring and training...AND together with the with knowing the Voice of God, I am readily available to provide sound scriptural wisdom to help in life transformation.

In addition... before our coaching sessions I pray for you and seek the wisdom and counsel of Jesus, through His Word.  In our sessions, if you choose I will open and close in prayer for you.

This is not something that most Lifestyle Coaches or Spiritual Gurus can say... but it is true with me.   As a child of God, who has been serving the Lord for my entire life... I have learned to hear and know His direction.  God's unconditional love for you will come through in every encounter with me as your Transformational Life Coach.

But I must warn you… 

My appointment time is sacred and limited… and there is often a waiting list…BUT just for those who register and work through this Design Your Own Life Masterclass…. I am going to make room for you. 

Make sure you’ve got your calendar ready…because I know you will want to book this private session with me. And do it right away otherwise you could be missing out as I take back-to-back calls for weeks! 

So, you’ll need to be quick, because as mentioned before… 
                    This Masterclass will sell out. 
AND.... I still have MORE BONUSES…. Just for the first 200 Women who sign up…
                          What to know what they are? 

                                                YES….I THOUGHT YOU MIGHT!!! 
Bonus #6: Easy Access & Quick Email Response
                    to Questions for 6 Months 
In addition to a one-hour personal consultation with you, you will receive a personal response to your confidential emails…

That is right… 

As mentioned above.  I have over 25 years of mentoring and training...AND together with  knowing the Voice of God, I am readily available to provide sound scriptural wisdom to help in life transformation.  This is not something that most Lifestyle Coaches or Spiritual Gurus can say... but it is true with me.

                               ...and all the glory is to God! 

I won’t always be able to be here as a personal mentor and coach for everyone… I mean my time is already limited… however for the first ladies who jump in on this amazing deal, I will make myself available for quick email questions and personal help for the first 6 months. 


Of course, there will always be ongoing technical support. 

 But what I am talking about is Coaching and Mentoring questions… 
And I may be a little nuts.... but I am including 6 months in this exclusive package.

So don't miss out on all this goodness... Such value... just for YOU!

                Can you believe it... I am still not done with the FREEBIES!!!!

But you don't have to wait to register...because whether you read on or not...it is all included and you will receive a confirmation email telling you about all of this wonderful goodness...

So say yes... and let's get busy perfecting your SUCCESSFUL LIFESTYLE
Bonus #7: Lifetime access to the 
                    Design Your Own Life Masterclass
                    (Value $1497 + Annual Fee of $497)
Now, I am continuing to develop new courses and program, both for my on-site locations, my exclusive Live Events and Workshops as well as the Elite Refresher weekends.

In fact, I am currently working on 4 amazing Brand New...never been taught before courses.  WOW!!!

Normally, I offer my courses with a 1-year unlimited access with an annual renewal fee....

But just for you...  for this limited time.... only for those who are the first to hear about this amazing package deal, with all the bonuses included... I am offering LIFETIME ACCESS TO THIS DESIGN YOUR OWN LIFE MASTERCLASS. 
WOW …. I know!!! AND I’m NOT done YET!    But don't miss out! >>>>
Bonus #8: Weekly Encouraging Support Emails…
I so much want to help you succeed...

Sometimes we stall out... you know what I am talking about right?

We start something with great enthusiasm... then LIFE HAPPENS..

We all have great intentions of 'getting-back-to-it... BUT :(  ...well you know what i mean... it just doesn't happen.

That's where I come in... I SWOOP to the rescue with encouraging -short, sweet but powerful encouraging email reminders to help you stay on track and keep you pumped.

I so very much want you to attain the personal greatness that God intended for you to have.  What I am going to do is send you weekly encouraging reminders to prompt you to stick-with-it. 

I will share scriptures to encourage you, and ...
                                          ......tips and tricks to stay on track…. 

          And maybe even throw in a few more freebees along the way!!!

(Now if this will make you feel spammed.. hey you can opt out of this sequence of emails, simply by emailing my office... we will take care of it.

Sound Good?   Yes... I thought so......
Bonus #9: Inside Information
As I develop and offer more courses and programs, I am giving you the optional to receive exclusive – first hand information on my latest releases with ongoing updates. 

 I will let you know all about additional On-site Courses and Workshops, Special Speaking Engagements, and all the goodies on my new On-line Courses.... and most importantly you will be the first to know about out Elite REFRESHER WEEKENDS AWAY.  

The seats for these intimate retreat weekends are limited, because they are so incredibly powerful... with times of Worship, Emotional Healing, Life Building Workshops and Powerful Guest Speakers... let alone the Spa and Relaxation time and the exclusive venue.

I know you are already wanting to join me....  I can hardly wait!!!

The best bit is, you will know about the Elite Refresher Weekends First.

....all this so far... and I am still not done.....WOWSA!!!!
Bonus #10: The Secret Offer INSIDE
The Design Your Own Life Masterclass

Yup…. Inside the Masterclass is a special Bonus Offer…

Just for you... the first 200 women who sign up… 

It’s a secret and only those who get inside will find out what it is….. 

But I will tell you this… 

It is a $7988 Value for only $497… UNBELIEVABLE, right???

ALL of these bonuses... for the low price of 80% Off…. 
                  BUT . . . 
Once It’s Gone, It’s Gone
I’m not joking when I say this offer is seriously limited…

I simply do not have the personal resources to accommodate more than 200 people in this Design Your Own Life Masterclass offer. 

So if you’re reading this, the doors could close literally any minute

This promotion is going out to my email entire database (hundreds), and my Facebook following too…. 

So there’s no time to wait! 

Click the link button below while it’s still open, fill out your details and you can get going immediately...

With that being said...
For Those of Your Who Have Read This Far...
If you’ve got to this point in this letter and are still sitting on the fence…
                      That’s okay :-) 

Maybe you need to see some proof from someone who has used this program to get great results… 

Check out what some of my students have to say about it.
Well wonderful woman of God…

There you have it… I have said what I wanted to tell you. 

If you’re ready to jump-start your future… and start really living

         Without a whole lot of hype… 

                        Without being overwhelmed…

                                                      Or fluff… 

Then now’s the time to jump into the
                                       Design Your Own Life Masterclass. 
With only 200 spots, this will sell out very soon.

Click the button below, 
                 fill out your details on the following page and 
                                                                  you can get going instantly!
I can’t wait to see you inside the Design Your Own Live, Live Your Dreams Masterclass :-)



P.S. Chances are, you’re probably one of those people (like me) who skip straight down to the end of the letter.  

If that’s you, here’s the deal… 

I’m offering you Design Your Own Life, Live Your Dreams Masterclass at an insane 80% discount. That makes it $299.40 CDN. (If you happen to be in the USA… that’s even a better deal! Wahooo!) 

But it’s only for the next few days. 

The Design Your Own Life, Live Your Dreams shows you a simple, straightforward and even “basic” way to turn your life around from doing the same thing the same way and getting the same results in the next few weeks… 

And it is very strategic…yet very simple. It is the same method I used to go from a life with no job, no clarity in direction, and low self confidence to complete confidence, a new business, a peaceful, joyful and fully prosperous lifestyle. 

Oh.. and I need to say – THIS IS NOT A MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING SELL. NOPE – not at all. This is a simple straight-forward, practical hands on – On-line Christian Based, Lifestyle teaching course. YUP – that’s it. 


It is a proven, tested, tried and very workable course that will bring you true lifestyle transformation.  

There are no convoluted steps, no other product sales… just a terrific course all base on Scripture and very practical life transformational principles.... 
                                  IT’S LIFE TRANSFORMATIONAL!

And because of that, I’ll get you up and running with Masterclass right away and you can apply the life-changing principles in a matter of a few days. 

Yes, this program is super simple and only gives you what you need to succeed. 

And because I like to over deliver... 
               Or maybe because of the Love of God in me….. 

I’m going to throw in heaps of my most valuable bonuses including:

    Bonus #1:  Design Your Own Life 25-Page Success Book 
                         (Valued at $79) 
     Bonus #2: 5 Techniques to Stop Feeling Like A Failure.(Value $37)
     Bonus #3: Access to My Real Success Secrets (Valued At $997) 
     Bonus #4: Desiderata Downloads (Valued At over $97)
     Bonus #5: One-Hour Coaching, Mentoring Consult with Me
                         (Valued at $150) 
     Bonus #6: Easy access & quick response to questions for 6 months
                         (Valued At $676 CDN) 
     Bonus #7: Lifetime access to Design Your Own Life Masterclass 
     Bonus #8: Weekly encouraging support emails… 
     Bonus #9: Inside Information – the optional to receive ongoing
                          updates on additional products and courses and the                                first to know about out Elite REFRESHER WEEKENDS.
     Bonus 10: Inside the Masterclass is a special Bonus Offer…
                        Just for these first 200 women who sign up… 
                         It’s a secret and only those who get inside will find out
                         what it is….. but I will tell you this… 
                         it is a $7988 Value for only $497… unbelievable, right??? 
                          All for the one incredibly, insanely low price ! ! !
                     A total value of $3533 for only a cost of $299.40 CDN 

So as you can see… 

You’re getting every resource, tool, and help I can give you to reach your personal lifestyle goals .

There’s no hidden “catch”... no fine print… 

And you’re protected by my 30-day guarantee. 

Here’s how it works…

You see, I’m super confident the Design Your Own Life Masterclass, after you have completed it and applied the principles inside…you will be trilled with the results. 

However, if for whatever strange reason that doesn’t happen… and if you are not convinced that the information is life transformational, I will give you your money back….but only after you implement the steps inside… 

Just give me an email within 30 days and I’ll buy your program back off you. 

                     You read that right. 

That’s how confident I am that what you’re coming into is exactly what you’re looking for. 

This gives you peace of mind that this is both a safe and smart decision. 

With that being said… 

There’s one more piece you need to know… 

Because of the massive 80% discount I’m offering… and the nature of the feedback available in the bonuses… 

                  I've only got 200 spots inside Design Your Own Life, 
                                  Live Your Dreams Package deal! 

I simply do not have enough personal time or resources to give feedback to more than that many people. 

Some have already been filled, and the rest are going fast… 

So, if you want to claim all these free bonuses including the huge 80% discount before it’s gone… 

Click the button below, fill out your details on the following page and you can get going instantly! 
P.P.S. I also know that $299.40 CAD isn't loose change...

So, at this point, it's really important that if there's anything holding you back from making the right decision for you and your life transformation...

I help answer that for you now ;-)

So, I've taken the top questions I've been asked about the Design Your Own Life Masterclass and popped them in below with the answers...

Just in case you're wondering the same thing!

QUESTION #1: "How much time will this take?"

You can expect to commit about 12 to 15 hours TOTAL.... to review my training, get your Success Sheet Exercises done, and then critique and apply what you are learning.   

Obviously, the more focused you are it may take fewer hours...

And for those who have never tackled something like this it make take a little longer...

But it's self-paced, so you've got no pressure at all.

Don't forget, you actually maintain lifetime access to the program and all the training :-)

Whatever time you want during the week is totally fine to do your doing.

QUESTION #2: "Is there any hidden tricks?"

Well, here’s the good news…

With the strategies I teach inside you don’t have to spend ANY money… at all!

There are no additional products to purchase to complete the Design Your Own Life Course

In fact… there is enough information to fill your calendar with ease over and over again. These principles are life long, on-going and reusable to personal growth .

However, if you’re short on time and want to pace yourself through the process, then we’ve got you covered too with the lifetime use.
Inside you’ll discover my personal growth and transformational secrets to fill you’re your life with peace and joy. 

Just the incredibly low price :)

QUESTION #3: "How quickly can I get started?"

Your access will arrive in your inbox within 5-10 minutes!  

So as soon as you register by entering your details, you will get your logins immediately.

I don't want you to wait around ;-)

You'll be able to start as quickly as you want, and my team and I here in your corner every week for the next 6-weeks if you need anything from me.

QUESTION #4: "What if I'm going to be out of town?"

Such a good question!  

If you're going to be out of town or you're going away for the next two weeks or so…

The Design Your Own Life unlocks right away…. but you have lifetime access so it's not going anywhere!

So, don't worry, we've got that sorted. If you want to delay the weekly welcome emails, just send us an email and the ladies in the office will hook you up xx

QUESTION #5: "What stage of life should I be at?" 

We've got girls and women in Design your own life who are all ages… 

There are students transitioning from high-school to university who want clarity… and are getting it…

Young Women
We have young adult women who started their career, but have discovered that they are not enjoying it the way they thought… 

There are stay-at-home-Mom’s who can’t decide if they want to go back to work or not…and they are obtaining clarity for their lives… 

Middle Age 
Inside my group are women who have a stable career, but really want to branch out and start a business… and they are defining themselves again through the truths presented in this program.

Ready to Re-fire 
And then there are the women who are getting close to retirement, but instead are looking to re-fire in another direction with their years of wisdom and insight and want to get certainty on exactly what that looks like.  

Literally we have everyone….  
But we've also got other girls inside the program who have been in business for 23 and 24 years!

It's not about the stage or age of life. The one criteria inside Design Your Own Life Masterclass is you have to be someone who is willing to do the work to get the results to make the necessary changes to attain success.

You have to do what I tell you to do.

And it sounds really simple, but that's what I want you to do.

It doesn't matter how long you've been around, you have to be open to doing what I tell you to do and taking transformational action steps.

QUESTION #6: "How quickly will I see a return on my investment?"

Another really good question.

This all depends on how well you apply these life-changing principles.  

If you have already got a desire to get from where you are to where you want to go, then the Design Your Own Life Masterclass will allow you to get up and running very quickly.  

And if you don’t? Well, that’s why you’re jumping into the masterclass because I teach you how to do what you need to do to get where you need to go… 

But how quickly will you see a return on your investment? 

It really depends on a few things... 

So, some ladies get it right first time round because they know that applying what they learn will give them the life changing lasting results.... and their heart resonates with what they're learning and what they're saying.  

For other you might need to take your time through the process because there is tremendous growth that happens, and some of it is a growth stretch. 

There are things in your life you will need to tweak a little bit and you might need to test a few things to assess what will works for you.... if you don't know your yourself very well… the growth process may take a little longer.  However, lifetime access allows you the opportunity to get to where you need to go in your own timing. 

QUESTION #7: "How long will this price be available for?"

This 80% discount will be available for the next few days and then I will have to put the price back up to what you see on the website ($1,497 CDN)... 

It's a little nut to offer such a price but I really want to attract serious women who want to get their Vision and Goals set.... so it will only be open for the next few days.   

QUESTION #8: "What happens after the six-month feedback opportunity?" 

Your Design Your Own Life access isn't going anywhere. 

You'll be able to keep revisiting the training in the future and receive any updated content.... with your lifetime access to the portal. 

The individual response package offered in Bonus #4- is only available for the first 6 months to those who sign up for this Design Your Own Life, Live Your Dreams Package Deal… After that you will have access to the group Consult sessions where you may ask your questions. Alternatively you may book private coaching sessions. 

QUESTION #9: "What other tools do I need?"

You and I will walk through all of that in more detail in the training modules….  

But basically, there's three main tools you need: 

Firstly, you'll need to get the following items to be able to create your personal vision board. (none of these product costs are included in the price of the Design Your Own Life Masterclass.) 

The vision board style you choose to create for yourself will determine exactly what additional supplies you need to purchase. 

Some examples of what you may need to purchase are the following personal supplies: 

          1. A vision board, (a foam-core board, a cork board, or an 
             alternative foundation to facilitate the vision board creation
          2. Scissors
          3. Glue, tap or push pins
          4. Stickers, scrap book materials and …
          5.  Your own vision pictures… from magazines, or the internet. 

Oh, and you will need access to a printer, so you can get your 
Design Your Own Life 25-page Success Book and other additional downloadable Success Sheets. 

And if you add them up and you can expect to spend under or around $100 CDN on the actual tools themselves... 

So that's going out to dinner once, right?  

You are well worth the investment… 

QUESTION #10: "Do you have a payment plan?"

Yes, we do! You can make one upfront payment of $299.40 CDN 
or, if cash flow is tight, you can choose two instalments of payments $197 CDN. 

One instalment now, and one in 30 days time :-) 

(Total price for payment plan is $394 CDN) 

It's slightly more expensive, but may be a better fit for cash flow :-)

QUESTION #11: "Is there a guarantee this will work for me?"

There is the 30 day guarantee available to you that if you implement what’s inside and it doesn’t work, I’ll buy the program right back off you! 


In terms of a guarantee this will 100% work for you… As much as I want to I cannot stand in your shoes and build your life for you.  

Well, I could... 

But you'd have to pay me a heck of a lot of money to follow you around to make that happen… right? 

So I can't guarantee you will do the work I ask you to do... 

But I can guarantee I will show you every single step I did to turn my life around and live my passion and dreams and have joy, peace and prosperity in every area of my life.... and what also has others talking about their personal success.  

Sadly, I can't guarantee you will do the work... and make the necessary life application changes to your own success. 
No one can.

Only you can decide that...

And there are all sorts of people when I hear them say, "I've got a lot going on. I'm really busy right now. I don't have time."

And that's fine, but nothing's going to change, right?  

While I would love to sometimes grab someone's hand and do it for them, I just can't... 

It's not possible - I'm only one woman!  

So, if you're willing to commit, then you've got every opportunity to do what I did as well :-) 

If you're ready to make the live change, get your personal Vision and Goals set for your tremendously successful future then join me inside the Design Your Own Life, Live your Dreams Masterclass, just click below now and fill out your details on the following page to reserve your spot before the 200 spots are gone... 
There are the deets....
Retail Price $1497

Launch Price $299.40
With Life-time Access - Wahooo!!!
Sorry... if you want the full scoop and to know the incredible 10 Bonuses included in this insane deal... scroll back up and I will tell you all about it.
HAA Haa!!! You did it... you skipped all the way to the bottom to find the PUNCH TOTAL INFORMATION.
WELL.....Guess what!
It’s complete and it’s launched ! ! ! 

.....WHAT IS ? ? ? ? ?
...it is called
Just one more thing.....
                  I would love to chat with you....
What they are all about!
DISCLAIMER:  It’s important to know my personal life-changing results are not typical nor is my experience.   I personally have applied and live the principles I teach and train and have proven them for myself.  I am a Licensed  and Ordained Christian Minister in Canada and am not a physiologist, physiotherapist or counsellor.   I am not implying you will duplicate my personal success. I have the benefit of having had lived this process for years. The average person who buys any “how to” information generally does very little with it and because of this inaction gets little to no real-life changing results. To live a transformational life, the principles need to be applied and lived to establish long lasting results… and nothing is guaranteed. If you are not willing to accept that then please do not purchase my programs.
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